Shopify Integration with OLX

Drive sales for your business with ads published on OLX!

With this app you can easily create OLX ads for your products and manage them with bulk actions to activate, deactivate or delete the ads.

The app also supports default attributes, which can be defined for each category, to help you create ads for multiple products in one action.

The app works with OLX Romania, OLX Portugal, OLX Poland and OLX Bulgaria.
For activating it on other OLX countries, please get in touch with us.


Save the time spent filling the ad form. Let the app do it for you!


The application is available on Shopify App Store.

Go to the App Store and try it!

All the plans include a 14 days free trial period.

You can also watch a video overview.  Go to OLX video


The pricing is based on how many ads are created or reactivated in a month.

Basic Standard Premium Elite
Monthly price$5$10$20$39
Ads included1005002000Unlimited
Selective refreshNoYesYesYes
Automation optionsNoYesYesYes


Create Ads

You can create one ad for each product or product variant, if your products have multiple variants.

There are two ways of creating ads:

  • Create or Edit the ad for one product or variant
  • You can get to the ad edit page either from the More actions dropdown in the product details, or clicking the symbol in one of the app's lists.

    In this case you have full control over the ad details, you can change price, title, description or the other attributes which depend on the selected category of the ad.

    You can select up to eight images for the ad, from the product's images.

  • Create ads for multiple products in one category
  • You can select multiple products and create ads for all of them, in the same category.

    You have two ways of selecting the products:

    • In the Find products page, using the filters
    • Using Shopify's All Products page, select the products you want and send them to the OLX app (from the Actions dropdown)

    Once you select the products, click the Create ads button, then select the category for the ads and choose the category attributes.

    When this option is used, the ads are created using the following rules:

    • An ad will be created for each product variant, if it doesn't have one created, yet.
    • All ads will use product's title and description shortened if necessary, to fit ad's limits.
    • First 8 product images will be used.
    • Attribute values will be replaced by defaults if defaults are defined for the selected category. Please see Define Default Attributes section for details.

Manage Ads

The Manage Ads page allows you to filter through the ads you have created and Activate, Deactivate or Delete the selected ads.

The commands are executed in background, on our server, not blocking you web browser.

From here, at the end of each line in the list, you have links to Edit the ad or to see it on OLX if the ad is active.

The refresh button functionality is described in the next section.

Selective Ads Refresh

This feature allows you to refresh the ad info from the Shopify product data.

Maybe you changed the price or the title of the product, or you added images - you don't need to create a new ad - you can select which info you want to refresh and it will be automatically copied from the Shopify product to the corresponding ad in OLX.

You can refresh ad title, ad price, ad description, ad images and the ad category attributes.

This feature is available on the Standard plan or higher.

Ads Options

You can configure default ads options to ease the ad publishing.

OLX app screenshot options page

  • Currency - select the currency for your ads. Some countries allow ads to be published in more than one currency.
  • Price conversion rate - its used to automatically convert the product prices from your store currency to the currency of your ads. You can also use it to markup your prices. Use 1 if you don't what to change the prices.
  • Advertiser type - Select the advertiser type for your ads.
  • The Edit Default Attributes allows you to define default values for category attributes, as detailed below.

Automation options

These options are available starting with the Standard plan.

  • Disable/Enable ads based on stock - If checked, the app automatically deactivates ads when the product is out of stock and reactivates it if the product is back in stock.
  • Reactivate ads when expired - Once a day, the app checks all your ads and re-activates ads with status outdated (the is the status that an ad gets when it's validity period ends).

Define Default Attributes

Default attributes can be defined for category specific attributes.

Default attributes are used in two ways:

  • To preselect attribute values when you create a new ad for a product - after you select the ad category and the attributes for that category are displayed
  • To set the value of an attribute when you create ads in bulk, for more products at the same time

There are two kind of default attributes in the image above:

  • Simple default values, like the first line, which mean that for all ads in category Casa si gradina > Articole menaj, the attribute Stare will have the default value Nou
  • Attributes that map to product variants, like the 3rd line - these only apply for products with variants and you can read them as follows: the ads created in the category Moda si frumusete > Haine dama > Fuste will have the value Albastru for the attribute Culoare if the product variant has an option named Color and its value is blue.

Please read the application's privacy policy here and the terms and conditions for providing this service.